Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Opening Days of School!

Welcome to First Grade!

September Calendar
9/2 - Labor Day Holiday/School Closed
9/5 - Picture Day/Dress Uniform
9/13 - 🎶Friday Singing Begins!
*9/13 - 7:55-8:15 Parents Come In to View Playground Gallery! 
9/18 - Gr.K-4 Back to School Night, 5:30 PM
9/19 - Mass of the Holy Spirit/Dress Uniform

First graders spent the first days of school enjoying each other and exploring their new learning space. Here's a peek!

Painting Gallery

Colorful Paintings at the Easel

Library Nook

Choosing Books &
Cozy Reading with Friends

Language Arts: Writing

Artwork: "Summer Moments"

Writing Journals

Science: Texture Rubbings

Using Our Sense of Touch

Rubbing Patterns :
High School Doorways

 Signs & Plants:
 Stuart Hall for Boys

Learning Commons

Mrs. Walker  &
Decorating Bookmarks

Design Challenge: A New Playground

Sharing Playgrounds

Next week, girls will dive into their first design/
engineering project by constructing small scale
models based on their playground plans.