Thursday, November 21, 2019

Harvest Celebration

Happy  Thanksgiving!

🎶 Song Performances 
led by Anita Harmon

Poem Presentations
Thank you for all my hands can hold...

Thank you for all my eyes can see...

"ME I AM!"

Bountiful Refreshments

Celebrating with Family & Friends

Thank You for Good Friends!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November Cornucopia: PE, Lima Beans & Reader's Theatre

11/1 All Saints Day Mass - Dress Uniform 
11/7 & 11/8 Parent Conferences, ASP Open
*11/15 ParentsCome in to View Bridges, 7:55-8:10 AM
11/18 St. Philippine Mass - Regular Uniform
11/18-22 Book Fair, Reception Room, Flood Mansion
11/20 Lower Form Assembly - Dress Uniform
11/21 2:00 PM, Harvest Celebrations, meet in Little Theatre
11/22 Free Dress for Golden Shoe Win in October!
11/25-29 Thanksgiving Break

PE with Ms. Katie!
Girls continue to strengthen their locomotor, 
eye-hand, and eye-foot coordination using 
hula hoops. They practiced jumping and 
hopping in the hoops. Using their wrists, they
made hoops spin and travel across the gym.
Warm Up: Running on the Track

Choosing Hoops for First Activity

Hopping From One Hoop to Another

Spinning Hoops: Jump In When It Stops!

Rolling the Hoop Across the Gym

Can You "Jump Rope" in Your Hoop?

4 Hoops at One Time!

🎶Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow!

10/25/19: Outdoors: 1-ft. 6-in.

11/6/19 Outdoors: 2-ft. 4 in.

This week girls measured the indoors and
outdoors bean plants. What do you notice?

Science Notebooks:
Recording Growth of Plants

Week 9: 11/15/19
Indoors 4-ft. 4-in.
Outdoors 2-ft. 6-in.

Writing labels

Enjoy an Encore of November
Reader's Theatre Performances by
First Graders - CES & SHB
& Second Graders

Performing to Ms. Scott's 3rd Grade

Hosting Mrs. Holland's 2nd Grade:

Earth Day Garden

Hosting Ms.Welday's 1st Grade:
The Tortoise and the Hare

Lower Form Assembly, 11/20/2019

Old Mother Hubbard's Hungry Family

Baa Baa Black Sheep Sells Her Wool

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Coed in Spark Studio & Take Two: Bridges

11/1 All Saints Day Mass - Dress Uniform 
11/7 & 11/8 Parent Conferences, ASP Open
*11/15 Parents: Come in to View Bridges, 7:55-8:10 AM
11/18 St. Philippine Mass - Regular Uniform
11/18-22 Book Fair, Reception Room, Flood Mansion
11/20 Lower Form Assembly - Dress Uniform
11/21 2:00 PM, Harvest Celebrations, meet in Little Theatre
11/22 Free Dress for Golden Shoe Win in October!
11/25-29 Thanksgiving Break

Spark Studio with Ms. Inchausti
First graders were tasked with building towers using only cardboard rectangles. They collaborated together to come up with creative ways to make their towers. Each small group was encouraged to learn from others' ideas to improve their designs.

Ms. Inchausti Shares Her Expertise

Folding & Stacking Rectangles

Good Teamwork!

Building the First Tower

How Tall is the Tower? 4-inches

Our New Tower is 6-inches!

Design/Engineering Update!
We had members of our school
community visit during our
building session on Wednesday.

Sharing Plans with Dr. Krejcarek
& Ms. Mendez (4th Grade)

Sharing with Ms. Katie (President's Office)

Mr. Levin Asking Questions

A Sneak Peek!
Bridges on Friday AM

Supporting the Bridge Span

Adding Guard Rails for Safety

Testing the Bridge for Stability