Friday, December 20, 2019

Gingerbread & Christmas Sing Along

WRITING WORKSHOP: Gingerbread Stories
First graders shared their original gingerbread stories with Ms. Andrea's and Ms. Kellie's kindergarten classes. Girls made a gingerbread board game to play with the kindergarteners. 
Who will get to the gingerbread house first?

Ms. Andrea's Kindergarten
Reading Gingerbread Stories

"Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!"

Gingerbread Craft

Ms. Kellie's Kindergarten

Big Sisters
Reading Holiday Books

Listening to Holiday Jokes!
Knock, Knock . . . 

On Our Way to the Sing Along!

🎶 CES Song Along
Grace Renaud, Music Teacher

Santa Makes An Appearance!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Science Investigation: Making Sounds

12/8 Advent Family Mass, 4:30 PM Chapel
12/11 Holiday Snack with Mr. De Santis & Facilities Dept.
12/11 Gr. 5-8 Instrumental Concert, 6:30 PM in Syufy Theatre
12/13 Noels, Dress Uniform, NOTE: Friday Singing Practice is Canceled
12/17 Gr. 3-8 Vocal Concert, 6:30 PM in Syufy Theatre
12/18 Spirit Day: PJ Theme
12/19 Holiday Dress, Including Ugly Sweater
12/20 Holiday Free Dress & Midday Dismissal 
12/23 - 1/3/19 Christmas Break - School Closed
1/6/19 Classes Resume

Table Fiddle: Sound & Vibrations
Mr. Miller Talks About Guitar Strings
& Plucking on the Table Fiddle

12/12, Guest Visit with Mr. Miller

Where Do You Hear Sounds?

Listening to Sounds

Demonstrating to Mr. Miller

Exploration With a Stick

Plucking the Rubber Band:
Making & Observing Vibrations

Sharing Notebook Observations

January Sound Preview!