Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Marvelous Marble Mazes!

11/22 - 12/13 Heart to Heart Advent Toy Drive
12/6 View Marble Mazes at Morning Arrival, 7:55-8:15 AM
12/7 Christmas on Broadway, Including Gingerbread Workshop
12/8 Advent Family Mass, 4:30 PM Chapel
12/11 Holiday Snack with Mr. De Santis & Facilities Dept.
12/11 Gr. 5-8 Instrumental Concert, 6:30 PM in Syufy Theatre
12/13 Noels, Dress Uniform, NOTE: Friday Singing Practice is Canceled
12/17 Gr. 3-8 Vocal Concert, 6:30 PM in Syufy Theatre
12/18 Spirit Day: PJ Theme
12/19 Holiday Free Dress, Including Ugly Sweater
12/20 Holiday Free Dress & Midday Dismissal 
12/23 - 1/3/19 Christmas Break - School Closed
1/6/19 Classes Resume

Marble Mazes
Using the Engineering Design Process, first graders planned, constructed, and improved their own marble mazes. The goal was to meet the criteria of "rolling successfully through the maze".

Session 1: 
Planning & Sketching Mazes
Science & Engineering Notebooks

Session 2:
Constructing Mazes

Working From Plans

Materials: Base, Sentence Strips, 
Scissors, Tape & Glue Stick

Paper Techniques
Constructing Curves

Making Tunnels

Weaving Strips Together

Testing Mazes

Sharing Animal Friends with Ms. Mendez

Please come in to play with Marble
on Fri, Dec. 6th,  7:55 - 8:15!

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