Friday, March 13, 2020

Movin' Along in March! Sneak Preview Presentation & Art

3/2-5 Project Cicero Book Drive 
3/4 Lower Form Assembly/Dress Uniform
3/8 Pinewood Derby, Gym - 10:00-1:00 View Flickr Album
3/16-20 School Closed - Updates from the President's Office (Link). Please check this link for updates!

March is National Women's History Month!
In addition to reading biographies about women who have made significant contributions in their professional fields, first grade parents are scheduled to come in for career presentations. Ms. deYoung's art classes will feature the art work of Georgia Keeffe and techniques she used in her paintings.

MEET: Dr. Mary Ann Ramirez
Medical Science Liaison, Associate
Director Cardiovascular, Renal &
Metabolism Field Medical

    Mary Ann knew from a young age that she 
   was interested in science. She describes a
   scientist as someone who is curious, who
   thinks about how things works, and tries 
   to solve problems.

    Mary Ann's work includes clinical
  research and trials in cardiology. Data
  from trials provide valuable information
  related to new, lifesaving medications.
  Mary Ann demonstrated a chemical
  reaction between various materials to make
Elephant Toothpaste. Yeast was added as a
  catalyst to create the over-flowing mixture.


    A quote from Marie Curie, in HerStory:
50 Women & Girls Who Shook Up the 
    World. "I was taught that the way

    progress was neither swift nor easy."

Ms. deYoung's Art Class
     The girls have been studying Georgia O'Keeffe. We read
     My Name is Georgia O'Keeffe by Jeannette Winters. 
     Then they sketched bones and shells - learning how to
     draw from observation. They are creating  beautiful 
     flowers drawings.
Inspiration from Georgia O'Keeffe Prints & Flowers

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