Monday, February 24, 2020

Take Two! Woodshop: Sawing & Sanding Tool Box Parts

2/7 Read-A-Thon
2/13 Grandparents & Special Friends Day
2/14 Regular Uniform, Red Pink Accents ❤️!
2/14 NOTE: No Friday Singing 
2/17-21 Winter Break - School Closed
2/25 Field Trip - Wear Mardi Gras Accents with Uniform
2/26 Ash Wednesday Prayer Services - Dress Uniform
2/28 Open House, 1:15 in Homeroom

Feb. 28 - Open House Program, 1:15 - 2:15 in homeroom
Readers Theatre Performances
Design Challenge Activity! Come ready to collaborate with your daughter ...

Woodshop 2/10: Sawing & Sanding

Working with Miter Boxes:
Measure, Mark, Clamp & Saw 

Let's Saw!

Dowels for the Handle

Sanding  Parts of the Tool Box

Woodshop 2/24/20
Working on Tool Box Sides:
Measuring & Sawing 2 Pieces

Using a Square to Mark the
Cutting Line

Sawing the Board into 2 Pieces

Sanding the Edges of Cut Sides

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