Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Haunting Halloween!

Big Sisters & Halloween Parade
First and fifth grade big sisters met before the parade. Then they walked together in the Halloween Parade.

Pre-Parade Visit
Reading with Big Sisters

On the Parade Route

Through the Cortile

Down the Driveway to Syufy Court

Along the Way, We Saw Many Members
of Our School Community...


Amazing ASP Team

Tech Team & Science CES/SHB

Front Desk & Events Coordinator
Buzz Light Year, Woody & Jessie


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fall Potpourri: Snails, Beans & Applesauce

October Calendar

10/23 - Field Trip
10/24 - Unity Day: Choose Kindness & Inclusion - Wear Orange!
10/25 - K-4 Feast of Mater at Friday Singing/Regular Uniform with Pink Accents
10/28 - Golden Shoe "Free Dress" for September's Win!
10/31 - Halloween Parade, 1:30 PM
11/1 - All Saints Day/Dress Uniform

Snails: Data Collection

10/21: Reporting on the Food Eaten

Filling in the Chart

Taping Food Remains on Chart

Picking Up New Food

Putting Food in Terrariums

Science Notebooks:
Analyzing Data & Inquiry

Writing on Post-It: "I wonder ..."

I Wonder ...
Will the Snails Eat Apples?
Making Predictions: Why or Why Not?

Analyzing the Results

No - "it's too hard"
"it is crunchy"
Maybe - "only in the middle"
Yes - "the snails eat pears"
"because it's juicy"

Data Results from Food Charts

(Last Column by Terrariums):
Terrarium # 2 Snails ate MOST while
#1, 3 & 4 Snails ate SOME of the apples.

Bean Plant Measurements
October 25, 2019

The Bean Plant is 3-ft. 8-in.

The Bean Plant is 18-in.

The Shortest Leaf is 3/4-in.
(The Longest Leaf is 6-in.)

Fall Cooking: Applesauce
Slicing Apples

Adding a Cup of Water

Adding Sugar

Sprinkling Cinnamon

Cooking All Morning

Mashing the Apples

Yum - Delicious Applesauce!
What Does It Mean to Be Kind?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Randall Museum: Habitats & Animals

October Calendar

10/23 - Field Trip
10/24 - Unity Day: Choose Kindness & Inclusion - Wear Orange!
10/25 - K-4 Feast of Mater at Friday Singing/Regular Uniform with Pink Accents
10/28 - Golden Shoe "Free Dress" for September's Win!
10/31 - Halloween Parade, 1:30 PM

Animal Habitats at the Randall Museum
The Randall Museum is home to various California native animals in its Wild in California exhibit. Part of the Randall's mission statement explains, "we hope to inspire a genuine connection between our visitors and nature in California." This morning the girls experiences included a live animal program, Animal Habitats and visit to the Animal Room. At the presentation, girls learned more about animals: where they live, what they eat, and adaptations that help them survive in their environment.

THANK YOU to our wonderful docent: Julia Currier

Desert Habitat
 Desert Tortoise

Meeting a Barn Owl

Feathers of Owls & Birds are Different:
Lighter Owl Ones Result in Silent Flight

 Ocean Habitat
A Close Up Look at Sea Urchins
& Sea Anemones

Wild in California
Sketching in Science Notebooks

Nature Guides for Displays

Live Animal Pen: Guinea Pigs
Busy Bees in the Beehive

Oh My! Tarantula on the Prowl

Turtle on the Log

Collared Lizard Camouflaged on a Rock

A Prickly Sea Urchin 

Animal Expert: Mr. Dom
Feeding Time for the Raccoon

Owl Pellets
What's Inside?

All Aboard!

See You Next Year!