Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Design Challenge: Click, Clack, Peep!

October Calendar

10/4 - 8:30 AM Blessing of Animals
10/11 - "Down on the Farm", Parents Visit 7:55-8:15 AM
10/11 - 🎶NOTE: No Singing Today!
10/14 - Fall Holiday - No Classes
10/14-18 Safety Week
10/19 Walk for Uganda 
10/23 - Field Trip
10/24 - Unity Day: Choose Kindness & Inclusion - Wear Orange!
10/25 - K-4 Feast of Mater at Friday Singing/Regular Uniform with Pink Accents
10/28 - Golden Shoe "Free Dress" for September's Win!
10/31 - Halloween Parade, 1:30 PM

Design & Engineering Challenge
First graders have been busily solving a problem on Farmer Brown's and Duck's farm. After reading Duck's letter, girls started with sketching ideas to design something that would help the chicks fall asleep at night. Then they met with partners to share ideas from their notebooks. At the next session, girls drew a blueprint together with their creative ideas. 
Girls have come up with innovative ideas to help the new chicks fall asleep at night. 

Engineering Design Process
Sketching a Blueprint

Making a Shopping List

Constructing Our Chick Designs
Picking Up Materials

Taping Parts Together

Anchoring the Supports

Chick Designs are Taking Shape

Friday, Oct. 11th at AM Drop Off:
 @ 7:55 - 8:15 AM

View Farms & Chick Designs

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