Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Down on the Farm!

October Calendar

10/4 - 8:30 AM Blessing of Animals
10/11 - "Down on the Farm", Parents Visit 7:55-8:15 AM
10/11 - 🎶NOTE: No Singing Today!
10/14 - Fall Holiday - No Classes
10/14-18 Safety Week
10/14-18 Safety Week
10/19 Walk for Uganda 
10/23 - Field Trip
10/24 - Unity Day: Choose Kindness & Inclusion - Wear Orange!
10/25 - K-4 Feast of Mater at Friday Singing/Regular Uniform with Pink Accents
10/28 - Golden Shoe "Free Dress" for September's Win!
10/31 - Halloween Parade, 1:30 PM

Girls have been immersed in learning about farms and farmers. What is the important role farmers have in contributing to meet the needs of people? Throughout the study, first graders have engaged in a deeper understanding through integrated social studies, science, art, math, language arts & design challenge activities.

Sharing Individual Notebook Sketches

Collaborating on Farm Maps
& Making Barns

Math Connection

Each farm group had a budget of $20.00 to buy animals. Girls created a shopping list adding up the costs of various animals: $2.00 for cows, horses; $1.00 for pigs, goats, sheep,  and $1.00 for 2 chicks. The girls loved picking out and paying for their farm animals. 

Farm Animals Shopping Day!

Buying Farm Animals

First graders met in their farm groups to talk about "what people can see" and "what people can do" on their farms.  Using an anchor chart with writing workshop strategies, girls described their farms in notebooks

Writing: Anchor Chart

What Will People See & Do on the Farm? 

Dr. Krejcarek Reads Aloud:
Click, Clack, Quack to School

Don't forget to come
in on Friday, Oct. 11th!

7:55 - 8:15 for fun farm tours &
chick design challenges!

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