Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Balanced Literacy Morning

Throughout the year, first graders will be honing comprehension and fluency skills through Reader's Theatre performances for audiences. Each Reader's Theatre opens with a familiar nursery rhyme that is used to introduce a full length  adaptation. Girls identify related story elements for the play: characters, setting, and plot. 
Fluency skills include:
• Reading in a clear voice.
• Matching reading voices to express how characters sound or feel.
• Remembering to pay attention to punctuation marks: pause at commas, stop at periods, show expression for question marks or exclamation points.

Practicing Parts Together

Rehearsing For Performances

Lessons have covered the short vowels: /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, and /u/Our routine includes Echo Find Letters/Build Words activities with large size letters and individual letter boards. First the girls listen to a short vowel word. Then they proceed to tap each sound before building the word with letter tiles. Beginning this week, we are learning the digraph sounds for: ch, ch, th, wh and _ck (at the end of a word).

Short Vowels: CVC

Warm Up: Building the Word - fin

Tapping Each Letter Sound

Building the Word: mud

What's the Digraph in moth? /th/

Sorting Short Vowels Sounds 

Girls start each Monday morning sharing about their weekend in writing journals. Using artwork from summer memories, the girls have started their first Small Moments narrative writing. Anchor charts and small writing prompts during this unit will provide girls with visual resources to refer back to as they embark on capturing special moments during writing workshop. 

Writing Journals
Sharing Weekend Events

Bring Stories to Life

Anchor Chart

Riding My Bike

My Trip to Toronto

A Visit to the Zoo

Sharing Writing Stories

Fun Jumping Rope at My House

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