Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Meet the Teachers: Art & PE

Art with Ms. Ghilly DeYoung
Ms. Ghilly DeYoung teaches K-2 Art at CES and SHB. This school year marks her 17th year at Schools of the Sacred Heart. She is also a working artist and a proud CES parent.
The first grade girls are creating mixed media pieces inspired by author and artist, Lois Ehlert. After reading her book, Feathers for Lunch, which features a variety of birds and art work created in the same way, the girls painted two paintings apiece. At the next class, they will begin cutting up their paintings  and collaging the pieces together  to create at least two birds. They will complete the piece by drawing with oil pastel to create the background. 
Feathers for Lunch (Ehlert)

Painting with Watercolors

Next Lessons

Artwork on Display in Siboni

PE With Ms. Katie 
Welcome first grade parents to another year of Movement Exploration! This year is very exciting with our new 8 day schedule. Your girls will have all 3 movement classes in the gym this year. This will give us much more space to explore spacial awareness, eye-hand, eye foot coordination, balance activities and much, much more. I am looking forward to another wonderful year with your daughters. Happy first grade!
Balloon Volleyball
Can you keep the balloon in the air?

Photos taken by Katie Mulder

Eye Hand Coordination & Spatial
 Awareness with Nemo

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