Monday, September 16, 2019

Science: Planting a Lawn

September Calendar

9/2 - Labor Day Holiday/School Closed
9/5 - Picture Day/Dress Uniform
9/13 - 🎶Friday Singing Begins!
9/13 *Parents Come In to View Playground Gallery! 
9/18 - Gr.K-4 Back to School Night, 5:30 PM 
9/19 - Mass of the Holy Spirit/Dress Uniform

First graders have started their investigation on plants. Our focus question is "What do plants need to grow?" In their Science Notebooks, first graders named what they thought plants needed in order to grow. A majority identified water, sun, soil, and food. Our investigation guides girls through the process from beginning to end with the life cycles of ryegrass alfalfa, and wheat. Girls will observe the growth of  individually planted "mini-lawns" and discover "What happens when you mow the lawn?" 
A longer study takes an in-depth observation of bean plants, from seed to bean (September to December). This year we are planting beans and charting their growth both indoors and outdoors. I wonder if they grow the same or differently?  Girls will be using 6-inch rulers, rulers, and yardsticks to measure and collect weekly data to monitor the growth of bean plants, leaves, and bean pods.

Investigation: Planting a Lawn
Looking at Ryegrass & Alfalfa Seeds

Demonstrating Sequence for Planting

Filling a Container with Soil

Tamping Down the Soil

Preparing Containers with Soil

Adding a Scoop of Ryegrass &

a Pinch of Alfalfa Seeds

Watering Our Lawns

Science Notebooks

Keeping a Plant Growth Calendar

Day 5: Recording New Observations

Measuring the Grass with a 6-in. Ruler

Writing Observations

Next Lessons: Mowing the Lawn!
& Planting Lima Beans

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