Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Meet the Teachers: Religion & Learning Commons

September Calendar

9/2 - Labor Day Holiday/School Closed
9/5 - Picture Day/Dress Uniform
9/13 - 🎶Friday Singing Begins!
9/13 *Parents Come In to View Playground Gallery! 
9/18 - Gr.K-4 Back to School Night, 5:30 PM 
9/19 - Mass of the Holy Spirit/Dress Uniform

Meet Ms. Kelly Monfredini
As a native of San Francisco, I am excited to be back teaching religion at CES! I graduated from Manhattan College in New York City having studied elementary education and history. In my free time I enjoy staying active, cooking, baking, being outdoors, and watching old movies.
After Monday's opening prayer, the girls "celebrated" with a partner. Students have an opportunity to appreciate the small things that make life great. They can share something they are looking forward to, something good that happened to them, or they can share something (or someone) they are thankful for.

Opening Prayer 

Activity: What Is Religion?

The Beauty Prayer
          There is beauty above me
There is beauty below me
There is beauty to my left
There is beauty to my right
There is beauty all around me
But most of all...
There is beauty within me!

Mrs. Amanda Walker & Ms. Kathleen Esling in the Learning Commons

The Hoffman Learning Commons is abuzz with life, learning, and love of books!  We are thrilled for the weekly opportunity to welcome your girls into our space, and to accompany them on their paths to reading as a way to create knowledge, to connect to others, and to cultivate joy.

Amanda Walker is the Library Department Chair, and lower form librarian for Convent and Stuart Hall. She is also an alumna of CES, and as a proud parent of a 2nd grade boy.
Kathleen Esling  is the middle and upper form librarian. She also teaches World Literature to seniors  at Convent High School. Kathleen is looking forward to another great year sharing books with students of all ages at Convent and Stuart Hall. She is also a favorite guest reader at our first grade All Day Read days. 

Learning Commons:
Read Aloud & Book Check Out 

📕 Delilah D. at the Library

Passing Out Bookmarks

Looking for Favorite Books with
Ms. Kathleen

Checking Out Books

Reading Books in Cozy Spaces

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